how is thanos alive after thor killed him

Odin and Thor are both very powerful gods, and can be said to be the two strongest gods of the Nordic pantheon. While thats partially correct, Thors right as King of Asgard was only applicable within Asgard and the nine realms. Towards the end of Avengers: Infinity War, it is only Thor who comes close to killing Thanos. Even when he left Eitri alive he made his hands useless, that's crueler than killing. He is seen in alien planet which was shot in Greenland. And I think Trinh Tran, our executive producer just said, 'God I really wish we could just kill him.' However, when Malekith the dark elf and his right-hand warrior Kurse invade Asgard looking for the Aether (which is actually the real infinity stone), the imprisoned Loki tries to send Kurse to Thor's direction, but inadvertently directs him to his mother Frigga instead. I doubt he will be in it all that much if they finally finally put Adam Warlock in after 2 films of teasing. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Thanos also advised the God of Thunder to have gone for his head. Despite having godly powers, Thor lost his planet and people at the hands of Thanos in Infinity War, and became a recluse. After watching her parents get killed with bombs developed by Tony Stark, the twins joined Hydra and agreed to undergo experiments to master their powers. Odin warns them of the impending arrival of their sister Hela, who he kept secret from them, as well as Ragnarok itself. No, Heimdall is not the most powerful being in Norse mythology. He voluntarily joined the Army during World War II and helped Steve, who was given the Super Soldier Serum to become Captain America and defeat Hydra. During the end credits scene of "Thor," Loki is shown possessing scientist Erik Selvig, who's also Thor's friend. We advise caution when dealing with any recently-released media involving multiversal subjects. Now that the Avengers: Endgame's digital versions are out with commentary from the writers and directors it was revealed that Thanos' death was more of an "assisted suicide". So, why do fans think that Thanos did not kill Loki, even after they saw his death with their bare eyes? Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? Previous With this in mind, Thanos was snapped so hes technically still alive as they were. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'coalitionbrewing_com-box-4','ezslot_4',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-box-4-0');Kratos defeats Heimdall by using a combination of brute force and Athenas Blades. Is the nVersion=3 policy proposal introducing additional policy rules and going against the policy principle to only relax policy rules? Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? How did Thanos know about the power of "The Snap"? @DarrelHoffman, Thanos didn't have several of the Stones. Loki agrees to help Thor but, as usual, has some tricks up his sleeve when he tries to betray Thor for his own gain. He murders Thanatos in a vengeful attack by ripping Thanatos' chest open and impaling him. It is pretty believable because when we see Thanos after 5 years, he is not the same Mad Titan audience saw in Infinity War. Asgardians board the ship while Loki fights Hela's forces with Thor and company. He also kidnapped and traumatized Cassie Lang (Abby Rhyder-Fortson) when she was a child, which resulted in him going subatomic and being trapped in the Quantum Realm. Why does the Angel of the Lord say: you have not withheld your son from me in Genesis? Should he have just kept Thanos as a prisoner, or used Thanos to assist in their future missions such as the Time Heists? It is said that the two of them had a rivalry that often ended up in battles over power and influence, so Odin was wise to be wary of Loki. While Thanos seems dismissive towards Nebula, expressing no qualms about torturing her, he believes he truly loves Gamora, hoping she will one day succeed him as ruler. The jtnar are a large group of powerful creatures who live in Jotunheim, the land of the giants. Thor was haunted by the words "you should have gone for the head" and couldn't think straight so he just killed him out of rage. A station master from the region of the crash was arrested and charged with negligible homicide, while transport minister Kostas Karamanlis (pictured reacting at the scene of the crash) resigned. Odin is not specifically said to be afraid of any particular being, but there are a few entities in Norse mythology that are powerful enough to make him take caution. Disney Plus features some new Avengers Endgame deleted scenes and one of these confirms that Thanos is technically still alive. He has finished his job and he lets them kill him," added Christopher Markus, co-writer of the film. For that reason, Thanos kills Loki. How do they numb your eye before cataract surgery? When the brothers fought against Malekith and his minions in Thor: The Dark World, it looked like one of Malekiths men managed to land a fatal blow to the God of Mischief. WebIt was never specifically said on screen, but we know Thanos always left half the population alive when he attacked a place. I trapped him inside a video of him bombing at a comedy club. After receiving a special suit from Kang (Jonathan Majors), Darren changes his name to M.O.D.O.K. He is the ruler of Asgard and out of all the gods, he is the most knowledgeable and wise. Heimdall puts up a formidable fight, using his superior reflexes and reflexive shield, but Kratos manages to land a blinkstrike on Heimdall that finally defeats him. He experimented on numerous animals and humans to test out his own variation of Hanks Pym Particles, which allow people to grow to the size of a building or shrink to the size of an ant. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Avengers: Endgame's Shocking Thanos Scene Is More Morbid Than Anyone Realized. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The God of Mischief doesn't disappear that easily, however. In conclusion, Heimdall is an important character in Norse mythology and is seen as a powerful god in his own right,However, Odin is universally considered to be the most powerful being in Norse mythology. Avengers Endgame Writers Say Thor Killed Thanos Only Because He Let Him. A week later? This is Thanos' second infinity stone, having previously acquired the power stone (as seen in "Guardians of the Galaxy") from the planet Xander. Mid-2018[1][2] He doesn't even get to lose because the snap is reversed long after his death. Whether Thanos did have it about Thor or not, way why does he leave Thor alive and not just finish him off in Avengers: Infinity War? The scene in question takes place in alternate 2012, when Hulk is trying to convince the Ancient One to lend him the Time Stone. ago. Yes, I agree that Thor was emotionally unwell at that time. Odin, on the other hand, is generally seen as the most powerful of the gods. He returned again in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, where he requests Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) represent him in his upcoming parole hearing. I thought thanos did that because resources were getting scarce in the universe so he just wiped out half the life forms in the universe. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. namor - Thor is going to feel it. Thanos killed Loki because at first he professed his undying loyalty towards Thanos but then immediately after tried to kill Thanos. He was using the optical telescope inside the observatory to watch and guard the Nine Realms. He takes the Tesseract (which has an Infinity Stone inside) from Loki and then chokes the god of mischief until he In the opening moments of Infinity War, which take place moments after Thor: Ragnarok, the God of Mischief is killed by Thanos. Loki makes progress, using a staff with the mind-stone embedded into it, and he kills Agent Phil Coulson during the movie, although Coulsen later survived. "Your life is yours." Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js, Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Attack on the Chronicom Vessel How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Thanos was killed three separate times in Infinity War and Endgame, well, sort of. which shows the viewer how much helpless Thor at the time and how much powerful Thanos actually is.. he is unlike any other villian neither Thor or Avengers ever met yet. Such cameos arent uncommon in other Sci-fi creations, with Doctor Who seeing former Doctors returning for anniversary specials thanks to time travel. The original timelines 2018 version had his head chopped off by Thor a few weeks after the Snap. When Thanos teleports away? Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? With Black Widows help, Bruce has semi-control over his Hulk impulses. You mentioned It is strange that we see the Power Stone take over every bit of the ship except for what seems like a small area around Thor.. Thanos in MCU is generally portrayed as not a dark villian but little bit different villain. At the very least, he views himself as a hero, albeit Still being affected by Thanos, Thor, after rebuilding New Asgard on Earth, went into a state of complete exile and depression, only After Steve realized who the Winter Soldier was, he called out Buckys name, which caused him to start remembering who he was. At least the rest of the story isnt glorifying or applauding Thors action. He doesn't count as a person. It is strange that we see the Power Stone take over every bit of the ship except for what seems like a small area around Thor. The Ambush on Thanos was a planned attack organized by the Avengers aimed at resurrecting the victims of the Snap by retrieving the Infinity Stones from Thanos. Loki proves useful in an encounter with Malekith and Kurse on the planet Svartalfheim, but Thor's attempts to destroy the Aether fails. Web"Well as you know I went to visit Thor then it turns out Loki was alive and Thor had a sister called Hela . Killing Thanos clearly would not have changed another than happened prior to this event. Loki sneaks off to the vaults to fetch the skull of Surtur and release the fire demon, which he does but not before he spots the tesseract and pockets it for himself. Then Loki tries to kill Thanos by letting out Hulk and later by himself. Thor finds Sif in the aftermath of a battle with Gorr, where she lays with one arm cut off and ready to enter Valhalla. I'll leave it there though unless you want to post a question. After losing to Hulk, Blonsky forced the doctor to give him a blood transfusion with Bruce Banners gamma-irradiated blood, which transformed him into Abomination. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a genius at creating these complex characters that people love to hate, but really just love for the pure enjoyment of watching them wreak havoc. 10He Had A Really Dysfunctional Family Thanos is an Eternal, an ancient race of genetically altered humans created by mysterious aliens. WebWhen Thanos snaps his finger, he goes in a dream where he sees Little Gamora, and after his conversation withe her, the infinity gauntlet is destroyed. It was a pretty shocking moment in the movie. Why didn't Thanos use the Time Stone to stop the Avengers' plan? Loki pretends to offer his services to Thanos, but he slyly conjures a knife behind his back and attempts to assassinate the him instead. Thanos may be the Avengers' greatest threat in the MCU, but the true nemesis of Marvel's team will always be Kang - and he can prove it. While Thanos is by far the most famous of the Avengers ' villains in 2022, the main nemesis of the team has always been Kang the Conqueror - and there is indeed no contest regarding who is the better villain Nebula later escapes and joins Star-Lord, Drax and Mantis as well as a faction of the Avengers on Titan. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? At this time, Odin's whereabouts is unknown and Loki is now in charge of Asgard, posing as his adoptive father. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Situations like these are relatively very rare in comic books, TV shows, find and other superhero-based media, especially coming from a film (distributes by Disney) that is aiming towards teenagers and older children as audiences. I made what he wanted: a device capable of harnessing the power of the Stones. Here's how it happened and who put him down in the MCU. Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard in Norse mythology, is one of the most powerful gods in the universe. Here's everything you need to know about the character's MCU journey so far to get you up to speed. Guess which BIG blockbuster movie is set to lose over $120 MILLION? The strongest among the Aesir and Vanir gods is Thor, known as the God of Thunder. Thanos killed Loki because at first In fact, most of the terrible things Thanos does with the Infinity Gauntlet are all about trying to impress a silent and uninterested Mistress Death. Experiments with the Mind Stone amplified their latent abilities, giving Wanda psionic abilities and Pietro super-speed. Why does Thanos need *all* the infinity stones? Loki's second death in the Marvel Cinematic Universe occurred in the 2018 film Avengers: Infinity War. What does a search warrant actually look like? He even stumps him to an extent, but Thanos uses the infinity stones to alter the time zone. Then Loki tries to kill Thanos by letting out Hulk and later by himself. Now portrayed by Mark Ruffalo, Bruce Banner has done everything in his power to keep the Hulk at bay all these years. As for why he didn't kill Eitri it probably comes down to a couple of things. So, killing Thanos was the right call, he a mass murder. WebIn the Ultimate Marvel universe, Thor (Thorlief Golmen) is a fictional superhero based on the Marvel Universe version of Thor.Thor was the Asgardian God of Thunder based on the deity of the same name of Norse mythology and a founding member of the Ultimates.. Thor was adapted from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's comic book version of Thor by Mark Millar As Malekith and Kurse flee to earth, Thor cries over his brother's seemingly dead body. He is not only a great warrior, but also a wise leader and advisor. Wanda Maximoff ( Elizabeth Olsen) and her twin brother Pietro ( Aaron Taylor-Johnson) had a difficult childhood, to say the least. Bucky eventually remembered who he was and has since begun atoning for his past deeds, despite not being in control when hed committed the crimes. Before leaving the ship, Thanos used his power stone to blow up the ship and blow left ship in dissolved state, Thor would've been disintegrate with the ship, We later see that blow wasn't enough to just Kill thor at the moment, but it would be a different story if Guardians didn't help out Thor. This is a big source of inner conflict for the God of Mischief, who always felt he grew up in his brother's shadow and yearns for the approval of his father. In the first few scenes we saw Thanos dragging Thor by his head just like a ragdoll. Odin always paid respect to Hel, choosing never to fight her, but was still aware of how powerful she was and had a deep respect for her position and dominion. Alive on Titan: Thanos traveled to Wakanda for the last Infinity Stone (the one in Visions head) after he obtained the Time Stone from Doctor Strange. This means that its perfectly possible to restore the Mad Titan back to reality through resurrection. Freya, the goddess of fertility and love, is also said to be very strong and powerful, and is said to be able to enchant men with her beauty and grace. The case flies open and across the room and the tesseract lands at the feet of none other than the 2012 version of Loki, who is under arrest for his invasion of Earth as seen in "The Avengers.". When does that moral justification end? Loki then tries to use the Bifrst Bridge to destroy Jotunheim once and for all, again in the hopes of winning his father's approval. @ShadowWizard I had a quick flick through the relevant prelude comics, Only interesting mention is one calls Nidavellir a planet and depicts it as a normal planet with a big city which was either retconned or Nidavellir is both the planet and the ringed forge. Bucky Barnes is the best friend of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Eitri: Then he killed everyone anyway. So Thanos felt no need to kill Thor, but just ignore him. Shes lost everyone close to her, but always seems to do the right thing in the end. - screenrant. In addition, Thanos was also left scarred due to the effects of destroying the Stones. Thor wasn't able to stop the Snap, and while Thor used Stormbreaker to kill Thanos after the Snap, he probably could have killed him without it, and Thanos seems to consider himself dying to be part of the plan. the thing - Thor gets a bruise. It only takes a minute to sign up. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. How many calories is fried potatoes in olive oil? Killing all but one of the Dwarves already goes against Thanos' MO he probably didn't want to break it further by killing all of them. Believing he can help them defeat Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) recruits Bruce to be part of the Avengers Initiative. For that reason, Thanos kills Loki. WebIn the myth, Heimdall was killed by Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Overall, due to the lack of definitive information and the nature of Norse mythology, it is impossible to determine with absolute certainty who is stronger between Heimdall and Odin. All except me. We cover everything from "Thor" to "Avengers: Endgame," including how he made his own timeline. Thanos As for anticipating Thor's actions, maybe it was an oversight but it was stacked against Thor to be rescued by the Guardians since he was just floating in space, had he not smacked against their ship they might have just left. The so-called "Council of Kangs" exiled the one we met in Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania, and then Ant-Man and the Wasp (the characters) apparently killed him. With this in mind, Thanos was snapped so hes technically still alive as they were. Food Heat Lamp Best 4 Recommendation on Amazon for You. They simply wouldn't have been able to get the forge started again without Thor and Rocket. Heimdall was tasked with defending the Bifrst, the magical rainbow bridge that connected Asgard to the Nine Realms, in order to prevent the forces of Hela, the Goddess of Death, from entering Asgard. A new fan theory now aims to explain what really happened and why. During Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Scott (Paul Rudd) and Cassie (Kathryn Newton) discover Darren was disfigured while going subatomic, resulting in a form that resembles a tiny body with a giant head. He is said to be the strongest of the gods, and his hammer, Mjlnir, has the power to level mountains and crush enemies with lightning and thunder. With Heimdall out of the way, Kratos is one step closer to fulfilling his destiny. He even stumps him to an extent, but Thanos uses the infinity stones to In addition to Odin and Thor, there are also other gods who possess great strength and power. He is Thors adoptive brother and the shape-shifting god of mischief. What does that mean?" Although Heimdall has since been killed off, it appears that his spirit lives on in some form, as he has continued to appear in various comic adventures. WebWhen the Annihilation Wave destroys the Kyln, Thanos sends the Fallen to check on the status of the Beyonder, whose mortal form he finds has perished. All in all, Heimdall is an incredibly powerful god who is worthy of his position as guardian of the Nine Realms. As a king Thor has the right and responsibility to defend/avenge his people. He is a trickster, often taking different forms and playing pranks on other gods, but he is also known for being exceptionally strong and powerful. Loki reluctantly hands over the tesseract, which Thanos crumbles in his hand, revealing the space stone inside. The bad boy of the MCU is definitely Loki, the God of Mischief. No, Heimdall was not killed by Thanos. [3] The Avengers initially believed Thanos to be lying, to which Nebula replied that while her adoptive father was many things, he was not a liar. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? Clint was angry that good people like his wife and children were taken, while evil people were left to wreak havoc on the world. A lot happened and Loki is dead for real this time . Thor didn't do such a thing and Maw has already made him imprisoned inside some metallic bond. Trevor and his hundun sidekick named Morris helped Shaun (Simu Liu), Katy (Awkwafina) and Xialing (Menger Zhang) gain entrance into the mysterious village of Ta Lo. There's no way he's getting out of Next Wanda helped the team countless times and became a powerful ally, but since Wandas story wasnt tragic enough, she was forced to kill the man he loved (Paul Bettany), only for that to be reversed and then forced to watch him die at the hands of Thanos (Josh Brolin). Copyright Network18 Media and Investments Ltd 2023. 5 Amora The Enchantress. He passed away to the realm of Hel, where he gave up his power and role as ruler of the gods. But it was the alternate timelines 2014 Thanos who Iron Man snapped dead at the cost of his own life or did he? Thanos seeks the stone from Loki by further touturing Thor. Source: Massacre of the Dwarves > Massacre. Splitting up into teams, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and the Hulk head to New York in 2012 where there were three infinity stones in the city at one time. There are other things that Im working on right now.. Presumably, the explanation would be that Cap pops to the future from the 1950s (since he returned to the past to live with Peggy), when hes in his late 40s, to help in a battle in the late 2020s/early 2030s before returning home. Also if there is no one left alive, then no one would know what happend and that it was Thanos who killed them. It was a quick and painless fate to a being who deserves much worse. he said. Your hands are mine alone.'. Thor is also known to be able to withstand immense levels of violence, such as his fight with the Midgard Serpent that almost destroyed Asgard. He was willing to die to save the universe, but Black Widow beat him to it. He just wants to save the dying universe by any means necesary as he sees fit. On the planet's surface, Thanos was picking crops from his field, before going in and preparing a stew to eat. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-4-0');Heimdall is described as a guardian and protector of the gods, who was born of Nine Mothers, given unflinching sight and hearing, granted a powerful horn, given a horse to ride and supplied with weapons by the gods. They had no way of knowing if they would be successful in getting the stones away from Thanos in that option. Everyone loves the bad boys and girls but everyone also loves a good redemption arc and the following 10 are some of the best the MCU has to offer. During the battle, Bucky plummeted to his presumed death, where he was taken captive by Hydra and given a variant dose of the Super Soldier Serum. His son, Baldur, played a crucial role in his death and eventual sacrifice. Loki tells Thor that he plans to climb his way up the social ladder before overthrowing the Grandmaster and ruling Sakaar himself. Thor also killed Thanos in front of his adopted daughter Nebula, showing no signs of remorse or mercy. Heimdall uses the Bifrost to transport the Hulk to Earth, after which he uses his powers to throw his own sword to Thor, who turns around and uses it to sever the Bifrost bridge. Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? rev2023.3.1.43269. Despite Frigga's death, Thor decides to break Loki out of prison in order to stop Malekith and his plans to conquer the nine realms by unleashing the Aether at the center of the rare event, known as the convergence. The remaining Avengers converge on the Titan's home to find him wounded and the Infinity Stones destroyed. Thanos had just wiped out trillions of lives, and rather than show remorse he straight up bragged about it. The most powerful force in Norse mythology, however, is Ymir, the primordial giant that is known to have existed before the beginning of all creation. Location Odin then willingly accepted his death, appreciating that it was for the greater good. rune king thor - Dead After Heimdalls demise, his spirit flings Kratos back to the head of the World Serpent. I love the character. He is dead, along with the Stones. His experiments resulted in people and animals being turned to goo without any remorse from him. At most he had one (the Mind Stone in the scepter) and he even lost that one temporarily. Cassie helps M.O.D.O.K. Thanos killed Loki because at first he professed his undying loyalty towards Thanos but then immediately after tried to kill Thanos. thanos - Probably KTFO, possibly dead depending on circumstance superman - He's hurting, badly, but still alive. The Avengers gave up on ever resurrecting the victims of the Snap, as the Infinity Stones were destroyed, and went on to live as the survivors of the universe. Thor is later banished by Odin after Loki entices him to travel to Jotunheim and confront Laufey, who tried to invade Asgard. Wanda Maximoff. offline. Several dozen people are killed and at least 85 are injured in horrific head-on crash between two trains in Greece with rescue teams searching for survivors. Abomination went on a rampage through New York City, killing possibly hundreds of people before being defeated by Hulk. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? Infinity War "But your hands are mine alone.". Why didn't an Asgardian go to Earth sooner? As the Winter Soldier, Bucky was ordered to kill anyone who posed a threat to Hydra, including Tony Starks parents, Howard and Maria Stark. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I almost wonder, is the Power Stone helping Thor? I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. This is just like why didn't Shah Jahan killed the masons after building Taj Mahal, why did he just chop their hands, 300 dwarves , 3000 minutes. Discrepancy in Thanos's use of time stone in Infinity War. In addition, Odin is a god who rules with wisdom and has a broad range of knowledge which gives him an extra edge in intelligence. Except Thor does mention on screen that half of his people were killed. He had the Gauntlet at the end of Age of Ultron, and at that moment he wasn't holding any of stones, and it is unclear when the Gauntlet was forged. I wonder just how much Thor is going to be in the movie, considering Love and Thunder is coming out next year. Heimdall was hiding at an abandoned observatory in London, England. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-leader-3-0'); However, some Asgardians survived due to the heroic efforts of Thor and his allies, who were able to restore the kingdom and settle its survivors on a new planet. He first appeared in the first Thor movie in 2011 and has since appeared in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. 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'' to `` Avengers: Endgame, well, sort of him. such as the God of how is thanos alive after thor killed him used... The how is thanos alive after thor killed him God of Thunder and one of these confirms that Thanos an. If i did what he asked, they 'd be safe pretty shocking moment in the first few scenes saw. Bombing at a comedy club his head just like a ragdoll Widow beat him to an extent but... The MCU is definitely Loki, even after they saw his death with their bare eyes answers are voted and! Land of the gods gone for his head power Stone helping Thor attack in an oral?. Down to a students panic attack in an encounter with Malekith and Kurse on the other,. The two strongest gods of the gods, and became a recluse to do right... His planet and people 's headcanon around the internet World Serpent in other creations! Probably comes down to a being who deserves much worse population alive when attacked... 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Thanos who killed them abilities and Pietro super-speed going in and preparing a stew to.! Professed his undying loyalty towards Thanos but then immediately after tried to invade Asgard think that Thanos is an,! Was picking crops from his field, before going in and preparing a stew to.! Marvel Cinematic universe occurred in the first few scenes we saw Thanos dragging by... Other sites ' speculation, and people 's headcanon around the internet about it a quick painless!

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